Creating X.509 certificates for MongoDB



After all the fun make it work bit is over now comes the bit where you have to think about architecture / security :(

I'm not going to go into the full explanation of how X.509 certificates actually work with mongo. But rest assured it is the safest way to communicate to the database and you don't have to store passwords anywhere!!! If you want to learn more about this pattern see the mongo docs


Using Docker (Optional)

If you don't want to mess up your local config and have Docker for Mac or Docker for Windows installed I suggested running it in there, then you can delete when finished (or keep it :))

docker run -i -t mongo:3.4 /bin/bash

Start the database

Either through docker or your install on your own system start the database with no security. This step will allow you to add the user and the role.

mongod --fork --syslog

If you get the output child process started successfully, parent exiting it's working.

Creating a read / write user

For this user make sure they have read, write and update access but only for the database and collection that it needs. From Mongo's own words on security.

Create roles that define the exact access a set of users needs. Follow a principle of least privilege. Then create users and assign them only the roles they need to perform their operations. A user can be a person or a client application.

I'm going to use a database named Users that will hold multiple user records in a records collection. The user will be able to add/update/read a record.

Login to the Users database

mongo Users

Create the readWriteRole role

    role: 'readWriteRole',
    privileges: [{
        resource: {
            db: 'Users',
            collection: 'records'
        actions: ['find', 'update', 'insert']
    roles: []

Create the user

Now that we have a role we can create the user with this role. As this user will be linked to the X.509 SSL certificate the user will be the same as the user we will put in our certificate.

db.getSiblingDB('$external').runCommand({ createUser: "C=GB,ST=Greater London,L=London,O=Dev Team,OU=Widgets Inc,CN=readWrite", roles:[{role: 'readWriteRole', db: 'Users'}] });

Exit out of mongo exit and go back to your shell prompt.


To create a valid x.509 certificate you need to sign with a certificate authority. If you are just choosing a certificate authority I would recommend let's encrypt, it's open and free! Otherwise like I had to, you can have self signed certificates.

CA certificate

This will create a CA certificate that will be used to sign the key the user is going to use. (You can use a proper CA if you want instead of this one)

openssl req -passout pass:password -new -x509 -days 3650 -extensions v3_ca -keyout $CERTS_DIR/ca_private.pem -out $CERTS_DIR/ca.pem -subj "/CN=CA/OU=Widgets Inc/O=Dev Team/L=London/ST=Greater London/C=GB"

User certificate

First create the CSR file

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out read-write.csr -keyout read-write.key -subj '/CN=readWrite/OU=Widgets Inc/O=Dev Team/L=London/ST=Greater London/C=GB' 

Using the ca file in the previous step sign the key and write out the crt file

openssl x509 -passin pass:password -sha256 -req -days 365 -in read-write.csr -signkey read-write.key -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca_private.pem -CAcreateserial -out read-write.crt 

Now combine that into one key file.

cat read-write.crt read-write.key > read-write.pem

Database certificate

Using the same procedure as above create a key signed by the same CA to start the database

openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -out db.csr -keyout db.key -subj '/CN=localhost/OU=webmaster/O=Dev Team/L=London/ST=Greater London/C=GB' 
openssl x509 -passin pass:password -sha256 -req -days 365 -in db.csr -signkey db.key -CA ca.pem -CAkey ca_private.pem -CAcreateserial -out db.crt 
cat db.crt db.key > db.pem

Shutdown the server

We now need to stop the server to start it back up in SSL and authentication mode.

mongo admin

Start the server with SSL and authentication enabled

Create a mongo.conf file to specify that we require SSL to connect.


  port: 27018 
      mode: requireSSL
      auth: true
      PEMKeyFile: ./db.pem
      PEMKeyPassword: password
      CAFile: ./ca.pem

You can create this file on the server using the command

echo -e "net:\n    ssl:\n        mode: requireSSL\n        PEMKeyFile: ./db.pem\n        PEMKeyPassword: password\n        CAFile: ./ca.pem" > mongod.conf

Now start mongo using the config file.

mongod --config ./mongod.conf --fork --syslog --auth

Log into the database

You can now log in using your newly created keys. We can check the security is there by trying to run the mongo command without any authorisation. The output should be (among other messages):


AssertionException handling request, closing client connection: 17189 The server is configured to only allow SSL connections

Now try to log in to the Users database with the User key

mongo --ssl --sslPEMKeyFile read-write.pem --sslCAFile ca.pem --authenticationMechanism MONGODB-X509 --authenticationDatabase='$external' --host localhost -u "C=GB,ST=Greater London,L=London,O=Dev Team,OU=Widgets Inc,CN=readWrite" Users

Test functionality

Insert a record

db.records.insert({lookup: 23}) // output WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

Find a record

db.records.find({lookup: 23}) // output { "_id" : ObjectId("59a2638021fcdb790e220cd1"), "lookup" : 23 }

Update a record

db.records.update({lookup:23}, {lookup: 24}) // output WriteResult({ "nMatched" : 1, "nUpserted" : 0, "nModified" : 1 })

Negative test: look for a record in a collection you don't have access to

db.wrongCollection.find() // output Error: error: {
        "ok" : 0,
        "errmsg" : "not authorized on Users to execute command { find: \"wrongCollection\", filter: {} }",
        "code" : 13,
        "codeName" : "Unauthorized"


There are a few other users to consider before deploying this.

Other users

I normally have one role per application using the database to make sure there is no accidental changes made by each separate application.


Automatically renew keys and store the cert passwords and private CA so only the app can use a key not a user (i.e. you). See Vault TLS docs

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