
Alexa skills are pretty fun to create, but I don't like how messy it is. There is no really easy way to test the skill without using a test harness to simulate an event and lambda's seem too much like magic 🧙‍♀️.

My other problem is the UI to create an skill. They've put a new front end on recently but I'm not sure how many developers they have consulted about it. Most people I know use shortcuts wherever they can. The UI is good for beginners but once you have made a few it gets to repetitive and copy and pasty.

Also to make a skill in all the English speaking languages requires loads of manual process :(

Also it's stressful to make sure that all the slots are correct on the custom skill and on the definition in the UI.

How to get there

There are 2 parts to this. One creating and deploying the endpoint Alexa will talk to and two setting up the Alexa skills kit config that will be downloaded to the user.

Tools we will be using.

Creating a repeatable process

For this to work everything has to be automated with ideally zero configuration to get it up and running. The first step is to create a boilerplate to base all the common code.

The code

My first go at the code is here:

How to get it.

On my TODO list is to write some more documentation on how to use this thing but until then:

Make a new repo to store your skill

Go to github sign up and create a new repo

Lets assume you've called your repo awesome-skill

Copy the repo

Make an exact copy of the repo

Install dependencies

navigate to the folder and run npm to install dependences

cd awesome-skill
npm install

This will take a while, get some ☕️

How to use it

Any kind of skill can be created with this method but the example that comes with the kit is a custom skill, so we can start with that one.

Attempt to deploy the example skill.

To make sure all went well deploy this hello world skill

Log in to AWS and now

You will need to log into amazon using your normal details (if you have already registered, otherwise you will have to sign up)

Now requires an email address for the account, you will need to verify the address before continuing.

npm run init

Deploy to AWS developer account and now account.

npm run deploy
Manually test

Open the testing page

npm run ask:testing

Ask alexa Alexa, ask hello world I would like to say hello to the world and bob alexa should respond Hello to you bob


That's it. You've successfully created an alexa skill. See below for how to make it your own.

Make your own skill.

There are some key parts to the skill that need updated.


Using this method creates an app deployed on After 30 mins of no requests it will freeze and go to sleep. To avoid this happening you can set up an automated ping request in new relic. It's in the synthetics section.


An image to sum up your skill. The image gets people using your app, no matter how good your skill is if your image is crap no one will use it.

put both of these files in the project under the folder img

Publishing Information

Information that is displayed on the skill marketplace. This details what the skill is and how to use it. Should all be pretty self explanatory by the names. Make sure the app name is lowercase with no special characters.


Pick a unique name for the app. This ensures a fixed address to access the skill once it has gone live. Set name and alias to the same value e.g. my-awesome-unique-name. Your skill will go live with the address


Not required, but it's good practice to update the name property

Skill Definition

This is the fun part. Creating the logic for the skill that responds to requests.


Alter the response to a friendly welcome


Built in intents and custom intents. There is an example in the src/intents/hello-world for a custom type. See src/intents/stop for an example of a built in type. See alexa app documentation for more information on how to write your intents.


There are several built in slot types. See the stop intent src/skill-definition/intents/stop for details on how to use a built in amazon slot type and src/skill-definition/intents/hello-world for how to use an custom slot type. Custom slots are src

alexa app

See src/skill-definition/models/slots/slot-types for any custom slot types. Make sure any new types are of the same format. If you have no custom slots remove all the types.

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