6 best developer podcasts on the internet right now
You don't know what you don't know. Apart from going to a conference the best way to find out about cool new features of your favourite programming language is to listen to podcasts while you walk to work or go to the gym.
Over the last year I've been on the lookout for the best podcasts on the interweb for software engineers. I've been through a few painful hours listening to crap so you don't have to. I would suggest mixing up technical and story style podcasts as it's easy to loose enthusiasm if only listening to the technical ones.
The following are podcasts that focus on particular technologies and go into detail of there main attributes and where / when you would use it. The format of the shows usually involve getting a well known guest from the relevant community and asking questions that would otherwise have taken much asking around and probably some false answers.
changelog [https://changelog.com/]
The changelog [https://changelog.com/] covers a wide range of software engineering topics including crypto currency (Bitcoin [https://bitcoin.org/en/], Ethereum [https://www.ethereum.org/], etc), docker, rabbitMQ but mainly focuses on web technologies and open source software. The changelog banner includes 6 different podcasts focusing on different areas of software engineering but all shows are really informal and one, jsParty [https://changelog.com/jsparty] is recorded live on Fridays so you can listen along and join the Slack channel to give your comments as they talk, which I think is novel and unique in this space. The original changelog [https://changelog.com/podcast] is still the best in my eyes as it covers things I didn't know existed. If you want all of the podcasts there is a master [https://changelog.com/master] with everything in!
Software Engineering Radio [http://www.se-radio.net/]
Software Engineering Radio [http://www.se-radio.net/] has been around for a while, (January 2006!) and has quite a wide focus on different technologies. Rather than focus on just software there are shows on good practices in software engineering, compilers, DevSecOps.
The quality is always consistently high and I like the format of multiple hosts sharing the responsibility of hosting the show.
Devchat.tv [https://devchat.tv/]
Devchat.tv [https://devchat.tv/] is a series of podcasts by the legend that is Charles Max Wood [https://twitter.com/cmaxw]. I'm heavily into javascript development so I haven't missed an episode of jsJabber [https://devchat.tv/js-jabber] since I started listening and adventures in Angular [https://devchat.tv/adv-in-angular] is also a great way to find out about features you might not know about in Angular. The other podcasts in the series focus on other technologies which you can view here [https://devchat.tv/]
Hanselminutes [https://hanselminutes.com/]
Hanselminutes [https://hanselminutes.com/] has been going for a long time and is slightly different than the previous podcasts as it takes a more conversational route to get to the core of a topic. The format is goes along the route of finding out the story behind an idea and what original problem it was trying to solve rather than the detail of the implementation.
Non Technical
These podcasts don't cover a specific technical subject but give you the back story of developer who has "Made it" which gives (me at least) lots of motivation.
### Developer on fire [http://developeronfire.com/] I've listened to pretty much every one of Dave Rael's podcasts on Developer on fire [http://developeronfire.com/] and he maintains a consistency and quality that is probably a cut above the rest. He has had past and current greats such as Robert Martin (uncle Bob) [https://sites.google.com/site/unclebobconsultingllc/], Tom Glib [https://www.gilb.com/], John Papa [https://johnpapa.net/] and loads more.
2 Frugal Dudes [http://2frugaldudes.com/]
2 Frugal Dudes [http://2frugaldudes.com/] is a money focused show by two software developers focusing on how to use your finances wisely. This one is a new one to me but it has some great tips on how to maximise your income.
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